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MegaTen News
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online Gets Into the Spirit of New Upda

MegaTen to its fans, now includes Spiritual Mixing, a robust equipment crafting system which will allow players to combine pieces of their gear and reach the next level of unique character customizati..


Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online New Chapter Launched

MegaTen). Arriving today in the celebrated MMORPG via a free content update, MegaTens immersive story now includes the first episode of Chain of Curse, a long-awaited tale written by one of the franch..


MegaTen is a Japanese console role-playing game

MegaTen is a Japanese console role-playing game metaseries which was originally based on the novel series Digital Devil Story by Aya Nishitani and has gone to become one of the major franchises of the..


Megaten Games Should Be More Controversial

Lets face it, was all the fuss really worth it? Only a few folks could even access the section, so was it really that bad? What about all of the controversy that has recently started up for the new it..


Megaten is complicated and intricate

Megaten.Megaten Gold or two of playing. In the later game when grinding is essentially necessary it can be a real pain as the only way to grind successfully in this game is to go on a dungeon run with..


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